Bold and beautiful African jewellery - (Effie Rose) Our African jewelry wholesale collection is made up of gold plated bracelets, gold plated chains, gold plated earrings, gold plated rings and gold plated sets. All purchases support the work of ECM, and provide hope, help, and dignity for vulnerable African kids! If you own the copyright on any of these images, let me know in the comments and I will credit you in the caption.
The necklace is a torque necklace with one torque around and two additional half-torque hanging from it in the front.
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Men's African Jewely | Tribal African Jewelry for Men
Ostrich shells have been discovered in disc shaped form in Palaeolithic and Neolithic sites. Ur Eternity has a sophisticated assortment of African Jewelry. Africa-Cowrie Shell Key Chain (Rasta Color).