Letter Markings On Gold Jewelry. More commonly, this marking is used for watches. You'll notice that your gold jewelry is stamped with a two-digit number followed by the letter "K" or sometimes a three-digit number indicative of the percentage of gold in the item.

If you need help with jewelry trademarks, you can post your legal need or post your job on UpCounsel's marketplace.
While searching for hallmarks on jewelry, one needs a good jeweler's loupe that magnifies at least ten times and of course one needs to exert a lot of patience.
This marking indicates the name of the manufacturer, where the product was tested, the degree of purity of the jewelry material, when the product was produced, and whether it was produced for a specific purpose. Works primarily in gold and platinum. In addition to Maker's Marks, some countries require hallmarks, which are given by the country where manufacturing took place.