Antique Jet Jewelry For Sale. Azabache is the Spanish name for jet and Azabache jet from coastal Spain is popular among pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago. Most antique jet jewellery was produced in the Yorkshire seaside town of Whitby, and our collection includes a huge choice of lavish and ornate designs.
Antique French Jet Necklace/Choker For Sale | ... (Jimmy Guerrero) Antique Victorian Pressed French Jet Black Glass Bead beaded Necklace. Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Albert Watch Chain-. Jet Beads Meaning Jet is a protection & purification stone.
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Made of jet, vulcanite, bog oak or pressed horn, each carried special meaning as a memento of a loved one.
Antique French Jet Necklace/Choker For Sale | ...
Antique Victorian Whitby Jet Cameo Pendant Necklace, circa ...
Vintage Victorian Mourning French Jet Necklace : Vintage ...
We buy and sell vintage rhinestone, costume, designer, bakelite, and antique Georgian & Victorian jewelry, sterling, and accessories. Whitby Jet is produced in Whitby, England and often made into mourning jewelry. It was mined in Whitby, England and carved into jewelry.