Cleaning Gold Jewellery With Soda Crystals. Aluminum foil, baking soda, salt, clean cloth, and hot water are the supplies you need. Here's what they have to say about these common DIY jewelry cleaning solutions: Homemade Jewelry Cleaners Witch Hazel, Tea Tree Oil & Baking Soda.

If you have used toothpaste, silver polish, or another cleaner and the jewelry looks dull, mix the dishwashing liquid and warm water solution and submerge the jewelry for five minutes.
Place the jewellery you want cleaned onto the crystals and poor hot water into the bowl.
The following card (scroll below) outlines the step by step guidelines on how to clean gold jewelry at home. Put the foil in the bowl and the Soda crystals onto it. Apply with a damp cloth, let dry, and then remove with cheesecloth.