Jewellery Gold Plating Brisbane. One is coloured to provide for matching to brass fittings and is known as "antique" gold. Q u e e n s l a n d E l e c t r o p l a t i n g is a family owned and operated business which prides itself on providing high quality electroplating.

We use only premium quality raw material in the manufacturing of all our products.
Our studio is located in Brisbane Arcade on the Queen Street Mall.
In this paper, we shall concentrate on the electroplating of gold and gold alloys and rhodium - one of the platinum group of metals with a good white colour and tarnish resistance - for decorative applications. Type of Gold: The price of plating is proportional to the type of gold you want. Electroplating is a method to put a metal coating onto an object, in our case a piece of jewellery, by.